Look at Us Now
Up Red's Life Story Mike Voges Arthur Henderson Kieth Langman Dave Willey


Red's Life Story
Mike Voges
Arthur Henderson
Kieth Langman
Dave Willey

We Have Pictures of These AWF72 Class Members:

Click on the name to see the mugshot

To those not represented here, please email a recent photo to oldtyke@nc.rr.com


Mike Voges

Redvers Chown

Red sent a summary of his life story. Its pretty colourful. read it!. Click the link in the left margin.



James Marsden

Picture taken at home Aug 2004

Arthur Henderson

Picture taken at the 2005 reunion.

Chas Chambers

Picture taken at the 2005 reunion.

Dave Willey

Recent photo 2006. Dave sent this pic. by email


Colin Dash

Recent pic. sent by Redvers Chown by email: