Dear Jim
Good job
on the website. Now since your expending of man-hours was
in response to my suggestion in the first place, I'm obviously honour-bound to
respond with anecdotes ... ehwot??!!
However, my
computer dabbling came about entirely by default. I was putting together a
satellite earth station as a turnkey project for Bulgarian Telecom in 1989 -
91, and In order to keep track of the final profit for the project I had
to do a spreadsheet without ever having been near a computer. (It was
during this time, by the way, I was working for Radiation Systems Inc in
Reston VA, and had to commute between Atlanta, Chicago and UK to
sort out techie stuff.) So, I drifted in to it but never got hold
of the peripherals like zipping up files etc. Soooh ... it looks like I'll
have to grit teeth, have a go and trust in God ...
you'll be getting normal attachments to emails ... sorry!!! Can 't even
remember the maximum size of attachments now ... If you remember my
first go with the Yattesburgh photies was a disaster!!! ... and my
fault-finding is strictly "first-aid only".
Thinking back
to '55 therefore, it seems I was the only "proper" regular!!! Most
of the class was either Nat Serv or Nat Srv + the extra 1. I was already a
5-year man then , but signed on for a further 7 whilst at Watton. A lot
happened in that time so I'll probably keep up a flow at regular intervals. Since
I'm having a go (i.e. for a selected readership only and not for
publication!!!) at writing a sort of semi-fictionalised romantic biography it
will be good practice and might have some
interesting bits!!!
I also have
some pix of Hednesford to send because I see you've made provision for a
square-bashing bit ... and at least you, Chaz and I were there ... don't know
who else of the guys were ...
'Til the first
Mike Voges